I am afraid this is one time I will need to give you the translation from the NASB.
(Proverbs 15:23 NAS77) A man has joy in an apt answer, And how delightful is a timely word!The word “apt” in the NASB is the word “mouth” in the KJV.
I had a professor once who said there are only two ways to get out of financial difficulty: Earn more or spend less. It is still true today but people don’t want to hear it. Too many people think they can borrow their way out of poverty. Too many people think someone else will pay for what they want. They find no “joy” (8057) in an “apt” (6310) “answer” (4617). We want happy endings without paying the piper. One key to finding good answers is being willing to accept truth.
A man who used to attend our church was offended by the preaching. His complaint? It was too negative. It made him feel like he was not a Christian. Hmmmm.... I accept it is not my place to judge but if I kept hearing things that made me question my salvation, I would want to do some serious thinking and searching. I would search my heart and I would search the word.
So? Have you heard any answers that you didn’t like lately? Take a second look. It is possible that the problem isn’t in the answer but the willingness to hear.
Reality never has been popular with some folks.
That is one reason I don't spend a lot of time looking in a mirror.
So much of our life is spent in fantasy, from the clothes we wear that are endorsed by celebrities to the "reality" programs that so many watch.
Grace and peace.
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