An Idea Borrowed

Years ago on a radio program someone shared that they read a chapter in Proverbs every day. Since there are 31 chapters and the longest month has 31 days it allows you to read through Proverbs on a regular basis. I use it as the launch pad for my personal worship time and branch out from there. On this blog I will try to share some of the insights I have in the Word. I will try to organize them in the archive by reference.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Proverbs 3:25 (KJV) Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh.

We live in a time of uncertainty.  Many are afraid of what is happening politically and how our republic is falling apart.  All of that may be true, but we need to be reminded that our confidence and our trust is not in the government or even the constitution, but in our God.

I like the use of the word “desolation” in the King James Bible.  Really, it is what we are afraid of.  We worry about the unknown desolation that may descend upon our country if things fall apart.  Fear not, it won’t be the first time.  Israel has gone through this many times.  The people of God have gone through this many times.

We are still here.

This may not be a guarantee of your safety.  It may not mean that your bank account survives.  But it does assure you that God has you in His hand.

So?  Trust and obey, for there’s no other way to be happy in Jesus.

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