An Idea Borrowed

Years ago on a radio program someone shared that they read a chapter in Proverbs every day. Since there are 31 chapters and the longest month has 31 days it allows you to read through Proverbs on a regular basis. I use it as the launch pad for my personal worship time and branch out from there. On this blog I will try to share some of the insights I have in the Word. I will try to organize them in the archive by reference.

Friday, July 26, 2024


(Pro 26:7 KJV)  The legs of the lame are not equal: so is a parable in the mouth of fools.

When I read about a lame man, I tend to think of someone who is hobbling along with a cane or a walker or something like that.  They are able to get around, but it doesn’t go very well at all.  Now when I read the NASB, it tells me that the actual word for lame means hanging down, which is much more serious.  It means legs that are utterly useless.  That brings me to how Moffett translates this verse which I like,

    “Like the limbs of a lame man,
    so maxims limp on the lips of a fool;”

This tells us that wisdom is not only weakened in the hands of a fool, but is made totally useless.

So?  Don’t waste your time trying to pass on deep truths to people who are total fools.  Of course we have to be careful whom we consider fools because Jesus warned us about just casually calling people that, but at the same time Proverbs makes it very clear that some people are total fools. 

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