An Idea Borrowed

Years ago on a radio program someone shared that they read a chapter in Proverbs every day. Since there are 31 chapters and the longest month has 31 days it allows you to read through Proverbs on a regular basis. I use it as the launch pad for my personal worship time and branch out from there. On this blog I will try to share some of the insights I have in the Word. I will try to organize them in the archive by reference.

Thursday, August 15, 2024


(Exo 33:11 KJV)  And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend. And he turned again into the camp: but his servant Joshua, the son of Nun, a young man, departed not out of the tabernacle.

I don’t expect to ever make contact with God face-to-face in this life.  I do meet with Him regularly.  How would I describe that?  I might describe it as meeting Him heart to heart, or mind to mind, or with creation in mind, I might consider it as image to Imager.  The important thing is we meet daily, or as daily as I can keep it.

It is also important to think of meeting Him as a friend to friend.  I do not want to be presumptuous, but that seems to be the terminologies used here.  I hope it’s never an arrogant assumption.

So? I find the words of that song come in my mind, which goes, “reach out to Jesus, He’s reaching out to you.”  You can count on it. 

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