An Idea Borrowed

Years ago on a radio program someone shared that they read a chapter in Proverbs every day. Since there are 31 chapters and the longest month has 31 days it allows you to read through Proverbs on a regular basis. I use it as the launch pad for my personal worship time and branch out from there. On this blog I will try to share some of the insights I have in the Word. I will try to organize them in the archive by reference.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Fools hope

Proverbs 8:5 (KJV) O ye simple, understand wisdom: and, ye fools, be ye of an understanding heart.

As I read this chapter, I noticed that it seem to offer a bit of hope for people that are branded as fools.  Many places in Proverbs it seems to imply that fools cannot learn.  This seems to imply that it is more a case of will not learn, rather than cannot learn.  That means that there is a bit of hope for people classified as fools.

I don’t know that I think of myself as a fool.  I would almost assume that you usually don’t consider yourself a fool.  If there is hope for a fool, then there’s hope for us.

So?  Never give in to despair or frustration.  If the problem is lack of understanding, or inability, to understand, God can reach you.  Usually it’s just a momentary lapse or lack of maturity.  The Holy Spirit continues to work on us. 

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