Proverbs 11:31 (KJV) Behold, the righteous shall be recompensed in the earth: much more the wicked and the sinner.
I often shake my head in amazement at how the youth culture who claims to not understand words will reach down into the broader world, pull out a word, and use it in a way that is interesting. One of the words that I’ve heard used over the years is “righteous.” Some degenerate person who rejects all the values of God would say, “Man, that’s righteous.”
Does this person understand righteousness? No way. They would reject the concept that righteousness as defined even existed. What they’ve done is they put their own definition on the word because it sounds cool and have used it to their own advantage.
I think we often do that in the church. Instead of looking at words, and considering how they are used in the entire Bible, we will lift out a verse that reinforces our presuppositions and our theological system and give it that definition. People love to quote Paul,
Romans 3:10 (KJV) As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:The problem is they not only ignore the context of what Paul is saying, but they also ignore the context of the scripture he’s quoting. Just look at the verse I’m referring to this morning, and that will give you an idea. If you look back over the entire chapter and proverbs, you will see this concept of righteousness being used again and again.
So? Righteousness and the possibility of living an upright life are a vital part of our faith. We are not called to live in futility and wickedness. We are called to holiness and sanctification. It does not come through our strength or cleverness. God will give us the power through His Holy Spirit. Trust Him for it.
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